Phillip Island: A Virtual Field Trip

MP3 Audio

2013 Super Camp (Australia)

Product Audience:
High School-Adult

Tas Walker

32 Minutes

MP3 Audio


This talk introduces the self-guided geological excursion booklet for Phillip Island, which was enthusiastically received at the 2013 Creation SuperCamp. The booklet describes 19 sites visitors can explore as they enjoy the facilities of the island. In this presentation some of the tell-tale features of the rocks at a few key sites are shown so that visitors know what to watch out for, and can appreciate how these features preserve amazing geological events in the past. By piecing the geology at a few sites together, the island is connected with the geological history for the whole of Eastern Australia, and beautifully matches with the biblical account of Noah’s Flood.

This is a 16mb MP3 audio file which needs to be downloaded to your computer / tablet / smart phone before you can listen to it. The software/program needed will normally be already on your device but if necessary free software can be downloaded from the internet and installed.

List all audio downloads from the 2013 Australia Supercamp

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